Monday, December 04, 2006

Happy 21st Birthday to Me!

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. - Look at me, wishing myself a happy 21st birthday. How pretentious!

Anyway, yes, readers, I am officially of legal drinking age today as result of my being born at Mt. Sinai Medical Center 21 years ago today.

And, as I expected, I'm not feeling all that different than I did yesterday (other than the fact that I didn't go crazy trying to work with writers to edit Inside Beat stuff last night, I suppose). Of course, that feeling might change when I take a stroll to Harvest Moon, a restaurant on George Street which serves alcohol. To finally be able to legally buy an alcoholic beverage at a the next Charles Bukowski in the works? Eh, he might have been a brilliant poet (I dunno, I haven't read his writing), but, for the sake of my health and my projected future, I hope not.

Don't worry, readers, I do not plan to get drunk tonight. It's a school night, after all! (Maybe sometime this weekend...?)


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Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Kenji! All the best to you.